
Friday, February 18, 2022

Grateful Friday

I'm grateful Mark is feeling better.

I'm grateful our children are all happy and enthusiastic about their lives and choices.

I'm grateful to have a job I love.

I'm grateful to be empty nesting with Adam.  I talked to a mother who has kids at home.  She said, "That must feel weird."  

I said, "It's kind of great."

There was an awkward silence and I felt like I had to quickly add that I like my kids....

Still.  It's kind of great.

I'm grateful for wise words that stick with me.  I heard awhile ago, "You are a human, not a robot."  It informs my to do list more often than not.

I'm VERY grateful that it is the weekend.  Adam has been gone for the past three evenings.  I love that he is a man who serves faithfully in his calling, but I also love him and I'll be glad to have more time with him this weekend.  And it's a three day weekend!  Even better.  We're going to Nevada Sunday and having a President's Day lunch at Marianne's on Monday, a.k.a. an excuse to get together.

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