
Friday, June 3, 2022

Grateful Friday

It's summertime!  It really feels like it now.  I am grateful for and looking forward to all the summer things.

Long evenings, s'mores, slow mornings, food cooked on the grill.

Yesterday when I got home from school, I started cleaning the garage.  Ambition is high and it isn't stupid hot yet, so I figured there was no time like the present.  I spent a few hours and still have many many more hours to go.

Although I will rope Mark into helping today because he isn't working and I know his currency.

Since I was already embarking on an overly eager project, I decided to start reading Gone With the Wind.  It's on my 100 Epic Reads of a Lifetime List and I'm reading all of them even if I've already read them.

It is 861 pages long, so here's to my zeal!

In late July, the air will be smoky and hot and all the gumption will have seeped away from me, so I'll celebrate now!


Geri said...

Cleaning the garage when you can have the doors open and have a strong male to help is a great combo. Go for it.

Anonymous said...

You are very blessed and lucky to have lots of energy and zeal to begin your summer! My summer break began with a positive Covid test. The very first day! I am glad that I do not have to deal with subs and lesson plans...but this is definitely not the way I imagined jumping into summer. I love your blog and hope you will enjoy your break.


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