
Friday, September 30, 2022

Grateful Friday

First of all, both my sisters wondered why we had inside recess.  There was a thunderstorm.  Right during lunch recess and then the sun came out and all thunderstorms were forgotten.

Except the rest of the afternoon was crazy town.  Guess what super active 8 year old boys need?  Recess.

I tried to talk to both sisters yesterday, but alas.

I guess we'll just communicate through my blog.

I'm grateful for my sisters.  Even when our schedules don't align, they are in the world and I'm grateful.

I'm grateful I walk with Clarissa.  We talk about personalities and museums and how our days went and everything in between. Some days we solve all the world's problems, if everyone would just listen to us.  She is quality and feels like a gift in my life.

Even though this is the hardest class I've ever had, I'm grateful for my job.  I keep learning.  I keep trying. I love my friends who I work with.

I'm grateful it's Friday.  I love weekends with Adam.

I love General Conference weekend and I feel very grateful it is upon us.

I'm grateful Emma gets to go on a dreamy trip with Geri and Megan and Talia to Ireland.  She leaves today.  She's the most independent person I know, but I love that last night she called me and said, "Go through what I need to take.  Ask me if I have everything."

I cataloged a list of necessities.  She had forgotten Advil and a hairbrush.  Mom's are good for something. I asked her if she had a pen and notebook.  She said no.  She said, "I have my phone if I need to write something down."  

I said, "What if you need to draw something?"

She said, "I have my iPad." Hmph.  I'm a pen and paper girl.

I'm happy for her that she gets to take this trip though.  She has an overnight flight I don't envy, but maybe she'll see the Northern Lights, which are magical.

I'm grateful for text messages like this one.  I'm pretty sure this is the main reason to have a phone.


Marianne said...

We need to talk! I knew Emma was going on that trip sometime but I didn't know it's now!

Mark Dahl said...

I'm so happy for Emma and what a great photo of Braeden and little Eleanor. Enjoyed what you wrote also.

Olivia Cobian said...

What a happy post! Happy General Conference Weekend! Maybe we can slip in a talk?


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