
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Good to be back

Yesterday my brain sort of felt like it had sludge in it all day.  I was tired and cold and disoriented.

It was an "orange flag" day which is what happens when it is extra cold and/or snowing.  There's an orange flag outside before school and that means go to the cafeteria and the teachers pick up the students there, rather than have them wait outside.  I trudged down, wondering where my break had gone.

Then I saw my students and my students saw me and we broke into smiles.

Also, I forgot I had a haircut that week before Christmas which feels like a few lifetimes ago.  I think every adult in the building commented on my hair.  "Did you get a haircut?"  "I like your haircut!"  "That haircut is super cute!"

I think I passed super cute a few decades ago, if ever, but it was nice.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You'll always be super cute!


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