
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 11

Yesterday when we said the pledge of allegiance, I considered these kids, safely going about their day on a sunny September.  I considered the peaceful mundane-ness of it all.

I don't take it for granted, not on September 11.

After math and morning recess, I sat them down and told them about September 11.  None of them knew anything about it.  I showed them some pictures and told them a very edited version of events.  I didn't tell them how many people died.  I told them about the heroes that ran to help.  I didn't tell them that many many of those heroes lost their lives.  I told them about the feeling of sadness, but also of patriotism and unity.

I told them even though we have a lot of different people in our country, we are in the same country and we can be kind to each other.

It's small, but I couldn't let the day pass without at least talking about it and remembering.

After school, Mark and I were going to go to Costco.  He came to my classroom and I sat him down at my desk.  I handed him a paper and a pen and told him to make a list and a menu.  I'm used to being bossy in that room, I'm also used to being a little bossy anytime with my kids so it works either way.

We were just about to leave for Costco and I realized that I didn't in fact have my wallet.  I had failed to put it back in my school bag after the weekend in my purse.

So that changed everything.

We went home and I got my wallet and I told Mark he might as well stay for dinner.  We went to Costco and bought a lot even though they didn't have the good gluten free bread or the good gluten free pizza.  Rats.  

After dinner, I put Mark to work on building my dresser.  He and Adam got it done.  

Having my kids attend college 30 minutes away is the best way to do it.  A few hours away?  Zero stars.  Do not recommend.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

We are doing the few hours away plan, and I feel a bit empty every time I look in Ruben's room.


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