I know you've been on pins and needles, but I think I finally got the rug situation resolved.
The second rug I bought was a better size but had a weird stamped on design and looked thin and cheap.
Friday night Adam and I went to At Home to look for an alternative. We walked past the seasonal display where there were a few fake plants mixed in with the bunnies and ducks and Adam said, "Oh, maybe I should look at fake plants here." (He is low-key thinking about decorating the bishop's office and I'm over here saying put me in coach because I want to decorate it, but he's giving me a solid maybe to everything I suggest. Also, it hurts my heart a little that he doesn't want a real plant. He thinks he would kill it.)
I said, "The fake plants are over there."
I turned one way and he said, "The sign says bathroom stuff is over there."
I said, "But the bathroom textiles are over here."
I got two rugs with the intention of sewing them together. No one in the world has a bathroom like ours apparently.
Next stop was to look at fake plants and the plants were exactly where I thought they were too.
We have been to At Home maybe six times ever. I had never looked for bathroom rugs or fake plants there. How do I have stores I rarely go to easily mapped in my brain but not roads I travel every day?
We were stopping at Trader Joe's on the way home and Adam took a road that seemed like a strange choice and I asked, like I often do, "Where are you going?"
He said, "State Street."
And sure enough pretty soon there we were on State Street. I know where places are (as long as I have been there SEVERAL times) but I only know my one way to get there (unless I have been there MANY MANY times). Adam has it all mapped in his brain like I have At Home mapped in my brain.
I don't have to tell you which brain is more useful. But hey, let me know if you are wondering where the bathroom rugs are at At Home....
Here's our bathroom now. I gave up on the sunburst rug idea although I really liked it. I sewed those two yellow rugs together and that is the end of that.
Saturday we stopped at Chipotle for lunch while we were out doing errands. Adam approached a table of PGHS baseball players. They looked slightly guilty/nervous when he approached their table, like he was going to tell them to quiet down or something, but he said, "My sister is at Spring Training and she's been sending me pictures of herself with Major League Baseball players all week and here I am with the PG baseball players. Can I take a picture?"
They laughed and said yes.
Will kids someday look at pictures of themselves and wonder why they were always holding up fingers in various arrangements? I don't know. I wonder now and I will wonder then.
We stopped by my classroom because I got a new iPad and Adam helped me set it up and clear out the old one. I showed him the biome pictures my students had created and he gamely admired them.
Saturdays with Adam are my favorite.
Saturday night, he worked on his talk for church and I had some of my friends over. We had a good time. One of them referred to someone as a homeschooler and another covered her eyes in horror and I said, "Hey, I homeschooled my kids!"
Whenever I mention that among my teacher friends, you never saw anyone backpedal so fast. I understand where they are coming from because a lot of the children we get at school who were "homeschooled" were not taught a thing. I want them to widen their worldview a little though. All homeschoolers aren't crazy. (And it is a little fun watching them squirm.)
We talked late and the time changed so that was not great planning.
Sunday morning after changing the clocks I look at most so I wouldn't be confused, I went to our 9:00 AM church. I didn't have time to change all of them.
It was our ward conference so Adam spoke. He was nervous about it but he did very well like I knew he would.
Clarissa and Liliana came as well as our kids. Shortly before dinner, Liliana got a phone call and it was my mom. She had been trying to call me, but my phone was among the missing. I love having my phone on Do Not Disturb and then forgetting where I leave it.
(My family members don't love this trait.)
My parents were in Salt Lake for my mom's appointment this morning so they came to visit. It was a great surprise. Emma brought a pie that she had made. She went to a vintage store with some friends and bought a cute pie plate and said it was crying out for a pie so she made one.
Adult daughters are a pretty good gig.
I had Adam reprise parts of his talk and we had a good gospel discussion. My parents told us about some new missionaries in their area and one of them is our kids' third cousin on the Dahl side. I got on Family Search and tried to map out how we are related to him on both the Dahl and Gardner side and any time I delve into the Gardner side of family history I feel like I need to leave bread crumbs so I can find my way back out.
Every time I look into it, I get it figured out and then it is so convoluted that I need a refresher. I mapped it out on a paper so I understood it and then I explained it to everyone and my dad said, "I still have no idea."
Good thing I'm not a teacher or anything...
It is often remarked in our family that the Gardner/Egbert genes are strong. It's because they kept marrying each other. I'm surprised I only have ten toes.
An actual photo of the Gardner family tree |