
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Even Jonah days turn around

 I asked Marianne, "Does Anne Shirley talk about having a Jonah day?  Is that a thing?"

She didn't know and I googled it.  It is a thing Anne said and I also want to reread those books.  I love them!

I started out with a Jonah day yesterday.  I was impatient and frustrated with everyone and everything.  My master degree pursuit is teaching me things besides the academic content.  It is showing me how impatient I am and it has humbled me.


When am I just going to get patient already so I don't have to keep being taught the lesson?!?

Braeden called and that bringer of sunshine helped me feel better.  Mark came over to do some work and I told him I needed a bolstering hug and he gave me one.  I talked to my mom on the phone and also Marianne and all the grumblings started to dissipate.

A wonderful thing that happened was that Stephanie was in town and she came over and visited for a few hours.  I loved sitting across from her talking about all the things.  We were going to take a walk, for old time's sake, but it was extremely windy.  I think it was one of the top windy times since we've lived here!

It ended up being a good day.  The moral of this story is that people make all the difference.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

You make a difference for me!


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