
Friday, September 13, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I feel like I have a lot to be grateful for today.

First, I'm finished with my master's degree.  That keeps making me really happy whenever I think about it.

I'm grateful that I get to go see Adam.  I miss that guy.  We talk every night when we are both tired and yawning.  He has full days and finally gets back to his hotel around 11:00 and that is 9:00 for me and I'm also tired, because that is close to my bedtime.

It will nice to be together-though briefly-when we aren't exhausted.

(Although we're going to Disney World, so we might be exhausted.)

I'm grateful I get to go to Disney World!  It's an unexpected delight in my life.  

I'm grateful Emma is going on the trip with me.  I get anxious about flying, especially without Adam and it will be nice to have her there to keep me afloat.

Once when we were in France in a cave (which I hated), she talked to me in soothing tones and got me through the horror.

Daughters are a good invention.

I'm grateful I get to be a teacher.  They are still kind of killing me.  I don't have it figured out with this group yet.  I'll keep fighting the good fight though.

And I'll keep rearranging desks.

I'm grateful that I am an activity day leader.  I feel like I'm getting away with something that that is my calling.  We had our first activity at our house last night.  Four very cute boys came over and jumped on the trampoline and played corn hole and ladder golf.  We roasted s'mores and chatted.  One boy said, "I have a confession to make.  I like roasting marshmallows, but I don't like eating them."

I told him if he roasted one, I'd eat it.

It was a very nice symbiotic relationship.

One boy had me guess what he is allergic to.  I listed everything I could think of and he kept saying no.  I finally said, "Girls?"

He was taken aback.  "I'd better not be, or I'd be dead by now."

(He has four sisters.)

They're cute and earnest and well-mannered and I think I'm going to love it.

I'm grateful for my people.

Yesterday Raul, who I went to high school with and had a good chat on the phone with the other day, is the local electrician we needed for the Home Place.  He was going yesterday to fix some lights and I texted my mom and sisters to see if anyone could meet him.  They were all so willing and I felt grateful.

Last night I was on the phone with Emma (not an every day occurrence, that girl hates to talk on the phone).  My doorbell rang and I ignored it because I thought it was a sales bro.  

It was Marie Louise!  She texted me that she had left me an "airport snacking bag."  She is the best!  I'm so grateful for my dear friends.


Anonymous said...

I’m grateful for your Friday posts! (Truly🤗) I hope you have a fabulous time at Disney World. (Erin)

Olivia Cobian said...

Utah Truffles! What a dear is that Marie Louise!


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