
Thursday, October 10, 2024

For what ails you

 I guess angst is the flavor of the week.  I was in a sort of bad mood when I met Emma at IKEA yesterday (a mood that was not improved by the craziness of 5:00 I-15).  I started telling her about all the things while we walked and admired things.  I kept interrupting myself to say things like, "Look at that pretty pillow!"

And then I would say, "I don't need any more pillows!"

"But look at that one!"

Then Emma would stop to point out something cute and eventually I got out all my tale of woe, but after seeing so many lovely things, it fell lessened.

Emma got some plates since hers are breaking right and left and she got a few other kitchen needs.

The main event for both of us was the Christmas stuff and a lot of it was out of stock!  How is the temperature still in the upper 80s and IKEA is sold out of their Christmas stuff?!?

(I'm over temperatures being in the upper 80s btw.)

There was lots of pretty wrapping paper and since I use my calendar pages as gift wrap, I for sure didn't need any wrapping paper.

(I came home with five rolls.)

They did help my mood.

I enjoyed being with Emma.  We ate meatballs and chatted the whole time.  We decided I'd just buy the stuff and she could pay me back so we'd be more efficient at the checkout.   I told Emma she was in charge of figuring out the money.  I handed her the receipt and she said, "Oh."

All of our Christmas stuff (which was the bulk of what we bought) was all labeled Vinterfint....

We rounded numbers and made good guesses and checked a few item numbers and it would have been way easier to pay separately.  I still enjoyed our time.

I love adult Emma.  (I loved kid Emma too, but adult Emma is easier.)

I talked to Marianne on the way home and between the two of them, I felt considerably better.  I am ready to go back and try again.

(Also, I got some cookies at IKEA so I don't need to stop at the store to get a treat for activity day!  Winning all around!)

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