
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Yesterday we played tour guides and it was a really great day.  Stella has been here before, but Ardi has not and they are both converts to the church, so didn't learn about the seagulls saving the crops by eating the crickets in primary, like I did.

We had switched cars with Mark so we all piled in the van. Adam was driving, which anyone will tell you is a better choice than Thelma driving.

We had lunch and then went to the Conference Center.  Every time we turned around, there were these beautiful sister missionaries, greeting us and welcoming us and seeing if we had any questions.  Such good girls!

We saw all the sights there, then went down and skirted around Temple Square, which is very much under construction, so not nearly as impressive as it will be.  The Joseph Smith building and Lionhouse were under construction too but we peeked into the Tabernacle and I told them about the significance of the seagull sculpture and we saw the Assembly Hall.

We crossed the street and went into the Church History Museum.  At one point, Adam left to go get the car so we wouldn't have to walk back and Stella and Ardi were so impressed with that move and I 100% take it for granted that Adam is going to do things like that.

It's nice to see him through others' eyes sometimes and remember how good he is.

We drove home by way of Deseret Book and Ardi bought some white temple pants for a fellow ordinance worker in the Washington D.C. temple who is from Sierra Leone and who is apparently very small and needed a 28 inch waist on the pants and they couldn't find any there.  We told them that if we didn't find them at that Deseret Book, we could go to twenty more. 

But we found some. 

At home we regrouped then when it was time to head out for dinner, I drove the ladies and Adam and Braeden and QE went in the van to pick up Mark, who joined us.  We had a lovely dinner at JCWs (they are enamored with fry sauce!).  We detoured a bit and I showed them the Lindon and Rock Canyon temples under construction.  We drove by the MTC and BYU campus and the Provo City Center temple.  

When we were driving home, Stella said, "You are just so fortunate to live here."

And we are.

I fully believe we could be happy about anywhere, but it is great to remember and realize how good you have it.

Snowy mountains, blue sky, Church sites, temples and churches for days, fry sauce.  

It's a pretty good place to call home.


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