
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Conference weekend

I love it.

I loved listening to the Saturday sessions in the car and it certainly made the time speed by.

I loved watching the Sunday sessions here with my people.

We had our kids and Anna who kind of feels like one of our kids now and Desi and Liberty and Zack who are really sort of our kids too.

We had a weird lunch of leftovers from our snack stash of our trip.  Mark was a little nonplussed because he'd been looking at the food all week.

(He didn't starve though, in case any of you were worried.)

Tears sprang to my eyes a few times as I listened to our inspired leaders and felt like what they were saying was a direct answer to something in my soul.  It is amazing how the Spirit teaches us each individually and minsters to our specific lives while we all listen to the same messages.

We took a walk after the last session on our glorious mountain trail (which isn't ours but we've claimed by proximity).  It was a lovely lovely day.

Desi and Liberty and Mark and Zack enthusiastically took to the trampoline and were jumping acrobatically and athletically and a hole popped right in the middle of it!  Luckily no one was hurt.  Because no one was hurt, it was funny and every time I look out the window and see the gaping hole, it makes me giggle a little.

Also, Desi stirred up excitement (which is one of her many talents) and got us all on Pinterest looking at wedding colors.

Planning a wedding with the women in my life feels like a fun adventure and I feel like I pretty much have the dream team on my side.  And Anna?  She's the best.  The best.

I feel like such a lucky duck.

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