
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On the rock our mothers planted

Firm as the mountains around us,

Stalwart and brave we stand

On the rock our fathers planted

For us in this goodly land—

The rock of honor and virtue,

Of faith in the living God.

They raised his banner triumphant—

Over the desert sod.


Today is Pioneer Day around here and I love it.  I grew up in the Great Basin and have pioneer ancestors so the 24th of July matters to me.  (It was barely a blip for Adam growing up in the Pacific Northwest and here I thought the whole church was having parades and ward parties.)

We're having parades and ward parties in Utah County.

I appreciate my ancestors who came here and set down roots and built something that I can benefit from.  

They were strong women who did good things.

We don't have to vanquish the same kinds of dangers, but my fellow sisters in Zion are here working together vanquishing all the same.

And these are strong women who do good things.

Emails and texts are flying about school. I work with the best women.

"Come to a BBQ at my house."

"I'll provide the burgers for the BBQ!"

"I'm going to make everyone a t-shirt.  What size?"

"Could anyone use this?"

They. Are. Amazing.  I would have crossed the plains with them.

One of our neighbors, Vickie, had a baby shower last night for another neighbor who none of us had met.  If you want something done well, ask Vickie.  She dropped off a cute invitation but also texted several times:  Hope you can make it!  

She wanted us to show up for our neighbor.  Forgetting was not an option.

I had ordered a gift from Amazon, but it did not arrive on time, so I went to Walmart yesterday afternoon to buy a gift.  I ran into Terri.  She was buying stuff for Girls Camp.  She is the leader and that almost (but not quite) makes me want to go.  Everything Terri does is top-notch.

In the baby section, I was pondering what to get for someone I know zero about.  I saw Jenn there.  She's another neighbor.  I said, "Are you here for the same reason as I am?"

She said yes.  She showed me the cute pink baby clothes she had picked out.  She wished me luck on my search for a gift and showed me again what she had.  "Don't get these!" she said.

The baby shower was lovely.  All the women except a few from our street and  three from the perpendicular street were there.  We got to know the soon to be new mother and she is very sweet.  

We decided when it is cooler we will have another neighborhood BBQ.  

When Adam was growing up, he said it was hard for him to get excited about the desert sod.

I love the desert sod and especially the people who live here with me.

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