
Monday, July 22, 2024


 I met my friend Shannon for lunch on Friday.  It was such a nice time!  Meeting friends for lunch is one of the absolute pleasures of adulthood.

Her sister and brother-in-law happened to be having lunch in the same restaurant and Shannon and I must have been having an intense conversation because her sister texted, "What are you talking about?"

Pretty much everything.

Menopause, crashed hopes and dreams, being let down by family members, church callings, some of the lovably wacky people in our ward, living in Pleasant Grove, movies we'd seen, Channing Tatum's unfortunate hairstyle in Fly Me to the Moon.

She wasn't going right home so I took her leftovers home to my fridge and she stopped by later to pick them up.  Two Shannon sightings in one day!  We commented on how fun it had been to have lunch and Shannon said, "We have to do it again. summer?"

Summer is all I've got and it's nice to have friends who get it.

I worked more in the basement Friday and Saturday.  It's a whole undertaking.

Saturday morning at 8:00 AM a guy came to give us a quote on some tree removals.  We were dressed to go to the temple and I asked, "Are we the most overdressed people you've ever given a quote to for tree removal?"

He said no.

It is Utah County after all.

I wore my grandma's small pearl earrings to the temple which I have done ever since I got them.  I love taking a little memory of her with me.

The rest of Saturday was taken up with work in the basement and a call with my WGU course instructor.  Mark came over to go through all the video game stuff.  He knew and I knew that I would throw it all away if he didn't.

It's nice to have leverage.

We took Mark to dinner at Bombay House in Provo which is oh so good.  Adam and I stopped at Harmon's on the way home and found some gluten free hamburger buns that might be Mark's new favorite.  (None of them are good, but they are the least bad.)

I taught Sunday School on Sunday and after church and a few appointments for Adam, we zipped to Salt Lake to attend sacrament meeting with Emma.  She is the newly minted choir director and they were performing for the first time.  I loved everything about her church.  The actual building was amazing.  It was built in 1902 in the Avenues and surrounded by huge shady trees.  The talks were good and people were very friendly (including but not limited to Emma's bishop's wife who is a 2nd grade teachers working on her master's degree from WGU in curriculum and instruction this summer.  We compared notes!)  Also, the choir director:  top notch!

We had our kids, Liberty and Nikki, and Clarissa over for dinner.  It was a farewell to Clarissa who is moving to the East coast.  We had a lovely time.  I gave an abbreviated version of my lesson, we played Snake Oil (and I laughed until I cried) and roasted s'mores.

It was a busy, but nice, weekend and now, on to a hopefully busy, but nice, Monday!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Clarissa is going to miss those Davis Sundays!


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