
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fall Break

Good morning from Fort Worth, TX.

Adam and I flew here yesterday.  I vacation where WGU has events and there's a graduation this weekend.  (I considered graduating because WGU graduates can graduate anywhere, but I decided I was not looking for the hassle.) 

We left from Provo.  Adam is the very king of cutting it close at airports (I'm not, Mark calls it exposure therapy for me).  The ladies at the TSA checkpoint lectured us about being late and then the flight hadn't even begun boarding.

Adam said he wanted to go back and say, "See?!?"

-We rented a car (not from Avis, thank you very much) and stopped at a Starbucks to use the wi-fi for a meeting Adam had.  I stayed in the car and called my mom.

My first time in the Dallas/Fort Worth area besides just being at the airport, it was kind of hard to get a sense of it.  Water towers, mega churches and lots of trees covering the city.  That's about what I saw.  

We checked into our hotel which is the same kind we stay at in California and it reminded me of QE.  The carpet is the same in the hall and it reminded me of her happily bouncing down the hall saying, "Off we go!  Off we go!" because we were heading to the pool.

We walked in the cool evening and I was wearing a denim jacket and it was the first time since last spring that I really needed a jacket and I was glad about it.  We explored a bit and liked what we saw.  Our destination was Velvet Tacos for dinner, which Adam had been to before.  He said we would do a taste test between there and Torchy's a different day.

But then Velvet Tacos was so good, he said, "Never mind, we don't need to go to Torchy's.  This is better."

I said, "Then let's come back here."

I would very gladly get that salmon taco again.

We walked back to our hotel and stopped to use my bird ID app because there was one spot where the trees were brimming with loud birds.  They were great tailed grackles and I googled it and a collection of grackles is called a plague.

I hope the grackles don't find out about that.  It might hurt their feelings.

Today, Adam has some work stuff and in the afternoon we are going to the Stockyards with one of his teams.  

I brought my embroidery.  Like I told Marianne, "Tell me you're a middle-aged woman without telling me  you're a middle-aged woman."  Turns out you can fly with scissors if they are under 4 inches.

Game changer.


Mark Dahl said...

Have a great time!

Marianne said...

Or the bird ID app. Dead giveaway! Thanks for blogging on vacation!!

Olivia Cobian said...

Don't you know the tassle is worth the hassle?


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