Yesterday was a long day. The above picture is indicative of the general vibe. For reasons beyond my understanding, my computer did this. I texted the picture to my family, in hopes someone could trouble shoot. Braeden (helpfully) suggested my computer had internal bleeding.
I finally just turned it off and on again and that fixed it. It was bizarre.
A high point in the day was phone time with QE. She showed me her new shoes and I showed her mine. She showed me a book and Braeden had her show off some of her letter and sound skills. She was prancing around the room and running away and saying, "Where did I go?" during the letter and sound quiz. I told her it reminded me of phonics with my students after recess; they have approximately the same energy. I told her she was way cuter though.
I drew some letters and some pictures for her to tell me the sounds.
I drew an apple and she said, "That's a strawberry!"
I drew a strawberry next to it. See that's a strawberry.
She was wholly unconvinced. I think I need to up my artistic ability.
I took the phone to "her" room, where the books are, and she picked two she wanted me to read to her. She gets the biggest smile and most serene expression on her face when I read to her. She sweetly thanked me when I was finished.
Love that girl! (You know, in case you hadn't noticed.)
I think your computer is just celebrating Valentine's Day early!
Love your little Eleanor
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