My Christmas cactus, finally blooming in late January. I don't know if I have a favorite plant, but if I do, this may be it. She blooms when she wants and is always pretty. Also, she's from a start of a plant belonging to my great grandma, Olivia Egbert. I love that and am grateful to my sister Olivia for giving it to me.
It was a very refreshing weekend.
Friday night I had my connections group over. Three of them didn't come because they were sick. Tis the season! Three friends came and we had a marvelous time. I stayed up way past my bedtime, but I enjoyed talking to them. None of the three that came are still at Bonneville (hence the need to the gathering) and so it is good to get together and catch up. We talked about our children, I showed them pictures of QE (of course I did), we talked about principals and schools and politics (a little bit). These are women I would go into battle with and they're women I kind of feel like I have gone into battle with.
We woke up to fresh snow on Saturday. It made the world quiet and white.
Our much better than we deserve neighbor, Rod, cleared our driveway before we had a chance.
Adam and Mark went swimming Saturday. They invited me, but I only want to swim if it is hot. I did meet them for lunch afterward though. Adam and I went shopping and then he went to the leadership meeting for stake conference and I did things like laundry and watered my plants. I like being home.
Before going to the adult session of stake conference we FaceTimed with Braeden and QE and I read a few books to her. That is always a hit of dopamine in my life.
The conference session was very good except I cried and my eyes hurt. Some people don't cry when they feel the Spirit and some people don't have a disease that is worsened by crying, but I am neither of those people.
We came home and made real progress on our plans for our summer anniversary trip. I am getting excited!
By Sunday morning there was evidence of our front yard being the crossroads of the Amazon delivery guy and deer. Always deer.
We enjoyed stake conference Sunday morning and even scored seats in the chapel next to our friends, the Sheltons. I felt nourished by the good word of God. (I also cried a little.)
Emma and Mark came for dinner. My eyes hurt a lot. We ate and talked about Come Follow Me and then played Cover Your Assets. I kept taking stuff from Adam (I kept saying, "What's yours is mine, right?") and Mark and Emma kept taking stuff from me.
It felt accurate for the family dynamic.
Adam retrieved the humidifier from the dungeon (our storage room in the basement) and I think it helped my eyes a lot.
I will survive!
I love this sentence. " Some people don't cry when they feel the Spirit and some people don't have a disease that is worsened by crying, but I am neither of those people."
I liked that sentence too. I turned my humidifier on after our conversation yesterday.
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