
Friday, April 18, 2008

I Don't Understand

It is rare that we ever get much snow here. Today is really crazy because it's April 18 and it's...snowing!

It's that wet, sloppy, heavy snow that we always get here. We sadly covered the flowers we planted 6 days ago (!) when it was 80 degrees (!!!) with a tarp and hoped for the best.

My day got crazier though. It is also Braeden's first 11 year old scout camp out. The one Adam made his London trip short for. The one Braeden's been counting down the days until. The one he's been looking forward to forever. And. It. Is. Snowing.

The craziest thing of all? They went anyway! They were excited by it! I don't get it. I was sure they would cancel. I was sure they would stay home and watch a movie with us snuggled by the fire with popcorn. No. They still went camping. Adam and I talked about it and it was one of those familiar times that I know we both think the other one is absolutely wrong and insane. I thought he was insane (for obvious reasons) and he thought I was insane because "boys love this kind of thing." It's "fighting the elements together and winning." It's the winning part I'm worried about I guess. I've spent a good part of the last 11 years working towards the health and safety of my boy and it's hard to just hand that over to fool hardy camping trips in the middle of blizzards.

I was amazed they were going right up until the point when they drove off into the snowstorm. I wanted to call after Adam, "Wait, you've spent a lot of time in London lately. Maybe you don't remember, we have this..."

"And this...and remember, the gas fireplace turns on with the flip of a switch?"

"And remember this little beauty?!"

Why leave all that to go camping? In the snow? My neighbor and I were talking about it while bringing the snow covered garbage and recycling bins up to our houses. She said, "It's nice to be a girl." It is. And my good and wise husband probably never said a truer statement when he said, "You just don't understand how boys think." He's right. I don't.


Hannah Stevenson said...


Adam said...

What Thelma doesn't mention is that while Everett was blanketed in snow and ice, we had dry ground and blue skies. Well, partly cloudy skies and only slightly damp ground.


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