
Thursday, November 7, 2013

When pushed...

I have only seen Adam really truly angry a handful of times.  He's very even tempered.  He does have a big voice and he uses it--as well as his big stature--when he needs to, but that's sort of rare too (except for when he's refereeing a basketball game or calling kids to dinner).

Several weeks ago, we were shopping, Adam and I.  (As an aside, none of our children wanted to go with us and it made us sad.  It used to be they just went with us because they didn't have a choice.  Once they got old enough to stay home alone, and we still wanted them to come with us, we could always bribe them to come with us with the promise of a treat.  Now, that doesn't even work.  We offered to take them to lunch.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Lunch?  Quality time with your parents?  We're going to the Apple store?  Nothing.  It's sad.  The upside is:  Adam and I enjoy being together.)

So we went to the Apple store and the mall parking lot was packed.  We circled and circled looking for a spot to no avail.  We waited for one car to leave only for another car to swoop in and get it before we could.  And we were there first!  A minor frustration.  We gave up and I dropped Adam off and did a victory lap around the parking lot and picked him up.  (He only needed a plug adapter for Europe.)  There was no need to stay and play on ipads or anything since none of our kids would even come with us.

We were driving towards home and I remembered that Coldwater Creek was having a sale.  So we headed north to another mall.  The sun was shining and we were happy to be together.  There had been an accident and backed up traffic on the freeway.

A minor frustration.

The parking lot at the outlet mall was insane.  I think every Canadian was there that day.  Plus all the locals.  We circled and hunted for a spot.  Finally we saw some people walking to their car.  We followed them and waited.

And waited.

What were they possibly doing?  Adam speculated maybe they were updating their facebook status, explaining all their new purchases and how great they were going to look.

A minor frustration while we waited.

We saw signs of life!  Brake lights.  Then they had to wait for a break in the cars to back out.  They slowly crept out and we were ready for success!  Our long awaited parking spot!

Then an upstart little Hyundai, driven by equally little people slipped into the spot right in front of us.  Did they not see our big van?  The blinker?

Another minor frustration.  Except it was one minor frustration too many for the love of my life.  When pushed too far, he pushes back a little.  I could tell he wasn't really truly angry (like I said, that rarely happens).  I could also tell that he was about to unleash what I fondly call "The Dad Voice."

He opened his door and stood with one leg on the ground, looking over the door of the car.  The little driver of the car got out (he really was quite small).  Adam said, "Hey!  That's my spot!  I've been waiting for it!"  But he said it a lot louder than that.

The man looked at Adam, wide-eyed.  He seemed to register the relative size difference.  Without a word, he scurried back into his car.  Without even looking (and almost hitting another car) he quickly backed out and, avoiding all eye contact with us, quickly drove away.

Adam pulled into the spot.

I love that guy.  He reminds me of a draft horse.  He's big and gentle, but just don't push him too far...

1 comment:

Enoch said...

This kind of behavior needs to be rewarded and needs to happen more often!!! Well played Adam...well played!


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