
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What I really want to do is read

 I miss reading.  And I don't mean articles and pages in textbooks about curriculum and instruction.  I've been doing a lot of that kind of reading.

Also, I've been doing laundry and tending my plants and cleaning the kitchen and checking in with my kids and gathering all the things to take to Nevada (we're heading back today) and planning a menu and shopping for all the food because our very favorite California residents are coming to visit!

It's busy, but a really happy busy because I'm excited to see them.

I also had a phone conversation yesterday with the instructor for one of my WGU classes.  I needed help with an assignment.  I didn't want to need help, but that is irrelevant.

We talked and I asked her questions and I said, "OK, I just have one more question."

She stopped me and gave me a lecture about how it was her job to help me and I didn't need to be apologetic or limit my questions because that is what she is there for.

It was really nice.

So I'm chipping away at it.  I'm keeping my to do list going.  I'm glancing over at my novel and thinking, "Maybe some other time...."

1 comment:

Janeal said...

Two summers ago I also got my Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from WGU, reading this is bringing it all back to me! So much work and investment, but a great sense of accomplishment when it is all done! Keep going, you've got this!


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