
Monday, October 10, 2022


Friday I wore a Mariners t-shirt to school (Friday you can wear jeans and a t-shirt and I can't tell you how it positively affects me).

Eleanor was also wearing a Mariners shirt.  She's probably their cutest fan.

In the faculty lounge, while I was heating up my lunch, Laura, a 2nd grade teacher, talked to me about the Mariners.  Her husband is also a big fan so we are fans by marriage.  (I never watched a single baseball game before marrying Adam.)

Both our husbands grew up in the Seattle area and are very excited that the Mariners are in the playoffs after 21 years.  Every summer for the past 21 years, Adam has mapped out a way that the Mariners could make it to the playoffs.  He figures out who needs to win and who needs to lose to make it possible.  He is not what you would call a fair weather fan.

Shelley, the art teacher, asked, "What sport are you even talking about?"

Tiffany, a kindergarten teacher, told me that her husband is a big football fan so he is bugged by baseball still being on TV.

Usually we talk about school teacher stuff in the faculty lounge, but here we were, talking about sports.

The Mariners won their game on Friday and on Saturday, Adam was keeping track of it while we were doing all the things.  The Mariners were losing. Down by seven.

I was upstairs, folding laundry, and Adam was working on church stuff.  He checked the score and yelled up the stairs, "They are tied in the 8th inning!"

Mark and Adam and I gathered around the TV in the basement to watch the end of the game.  We were texting with Braeden, who was watching with Eleanor. 

The Mariners won!  It was very exciting.  Adam and Mark couldn't sit down.  They were pacing behind the couch.  As soon as they won, Adam called Braeden.  

I asked Adam what the next stage was for the Mariners.  He said, "They play Houston."

I said, "Oh."

Even when you are a fan only by marriage, you know that that doesn't bode well.


Olivia Cobian said...

The only thing I can really relate to here is that Eleanor is the Mariners' cutest fan. She definitely is!

Mark Dahl said...

I am with Olivia


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