
Monday, October 24, 2022


Friday we figured out our travel plans for the funeral and I met with my team to figure out school stuff.  We stay on track with our lesson plans and when one person is gone it affects everyone.  They were unsurprisingly generous and helpful in figuring it all out.

We also poked holes in the tops of the little cups where the mealworms are living so they can breathe.  Miriam said, "If they don't make it, I'll have to go to the pet store."

If my mealworms don't make it, we're going to pretend it never happened.

We went straight from work to MOD.  There were 8 of us who had dinner together.  We talked about Relief Society and Disneyland and how we notice school children everywhere.  We talked about the election.  I am old enough to be their mother for some of them, but they are still my friends.

We went to this tiny little theater in Lehi.  If I had driven past it, I never would have noticed it was a theater.  There were 14 teachers and the PTA president there supporting Courtney, along with two husbands.  We were blown away by the show.  It was so good!  The quality was amazing.  The staging and costumes and TALENT were top notch.  Courtney played Jack's mother and we giggled at how familiar some of her scowls and stressful looks were.  We see each other at our kindest and we see each other when we are at the end of our ropes and that is the truth.

This is Miriam's long armed selfie before the show:

Miriam, Lauren, Kim, Julie, Me, Janelle, Emily's husband?, Emily.  Peaking through the back row are Shay and Karla

Afterward, Emily's husband took a picture of us.  The light made our faces look freaky and I wouldn't say it was a flattering picture of any of us.  I made it black and white because then at least we all look human!  I love the picture though because I loved the night!

Sarah, Julie, Shay, Karla, Miriam, Me, Lauren
Nicole, Laura, Courtney, Janelle, Hannah, Lacey and Emily 
(not shown were Kim and Tiffany)

Saturday I woke up to an eerie diffused orange light.

I took a picture that of course didn't do it justice:

I snapped the picture when I went out to get the cushions near the fire pit.  Times were changing!  It's been really warm.  The city shut off the secondary water and it was still warm enough that our poor lawn suffered.  Those brown spots pain Adam.

It started raining around noon and rained all day and into the night.

Braeden sent some pictures because he loves us.

There have been pictures of people with Raelyn in circulation and I sent this one today:

I also sent this because I knew my political scientist would like it:

He did:

I actually also voted because I want the Alpine School District Bond to pass.  It's weird to have an election have an impact on my job.  If Orem succeeds in breaking away from the Alpine School District, that will really matter to me.  It makes me nervous.

Sunday morning, Adam's flight was arriving at 8:40.  I was convinced I would wake up in the 6:00 hour, get ready for church and leave at 8:00 to pick him up.

Narrator:  She was wrong.

Having slept for ten hours, I woke up at 8:10!  I staggered around getting some clothes on.  I was tying up my shoes at 8:20 when Adam texted that he had landed early.

Wife. Of. The. Year.

Despite my recalcitrant airport pickup, I was very glad to have Adam home.  He had had about 1/3 of the sleep I had so I felt guilty every time I yawned.  Getting him to take a nap in the afternoon was sort of like getting a toddler to take a nap, but I succeeded.

Emma came over and we had a nice time together.  The kids rehearsed a song they are going to sing at Raelyn's funeral.  There will be nothing easy about next weekend.  Geri asked me to lead the singing and I am going to employ my dad's trick and take off my glasses so I can't see anyone.  It may tame the tears.

When we FaceTimed with Eleanor (and her parents), she was sitting in her high chair picking up tiny bits of pasta and eating them.  She's growing up so much!

Braeden sent this:

And I sent back this:

Our weather changed from summer to winter overnight.

And last night, I had a terrible time falling asleep.  After such a deliciously long sleep, I think my body was ready to be awake.

My children would tell me that I am afraid of success on some level.  Sigh.

I'm off to school to see if the mealworms survived.  I'm giving them a 50% chance.

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