
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Camp day

Yesterday we had the third grade "Camp Day."  First we did math.  Then we had three rotations, each class going to each third grade classroom for 45 minute rotations.  In my classroom, I read them the Berenstain Bears book Bear Scouts.  I loved it when I was a kid and they loved it too.  Then we did a camping art project--a night sky and a tent complete with a little person inside.  Some of them are very creative and some of them should not be allowed within 15 feet of scissors and glue.  

We got through it.

Finally, we went on a "hike" and played a game where I had a pattern for them to cross my rug, which is an array of 30 rectangles.  They had to guess the pattern and work together and I don't have the patience to explain it here, but it was really fun.

In Miriam's class they sat in tents and read by flashlight.  In Hannah's room, they sang camp songs. 

Miriam gave them s'mores and my sweetest boy brought me one and said, "Here you go, Madam." 

It was a fun day.

When Hannah's class was in my room, a boy in her class said he had never been camping and everyone freaked out and I could tell he felt kind of bad.

I said, "I hate camping."  He smiled at me with relief because they turned all their freaking out in my direction because how could I possibly hate camping?!?

I explained how nice my bed was and that I didn't see any need to leave it.

Later they started talking about monsters in the woods and I said, "This is why I hate camping!"

My fellow non camper pointed at me in solidarity and said, "See!?!"  There are only four days of school left, but he and I are now buddies.

In honor of camp day, I wore my pink checked flannel shirt.  Two of my girls decided I looked like the lid of jam.

Nothing quite like being compared to a jam lid.

I guess I could do a lot worse.


Mark Dahl said...

How I love reading about your school adventures and bonding.

Olivia Cobian said...

What a fun camp day!


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