
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

I didn't cry the day I took the tree down

I have very little of interest to report, but I come here out of habit.

Yesterday was mostly consumed with taking down the Christmas decorations and trying to right the house.   There is a whole song written about the melancholy of taking down a Christmas tree and I don't feel melancholy; I am usually very happy to be moving to a new season and making our house quieter.

As I was taking all the ornaments off the tree alone yesterday, I did feel an emotion and it was rage.

Someone had wrapped the wire hooks on some of the ornaments (those really flexible long hooks that I hate) enthusiastically around the branches.  It took both hands and a lot of effort to disengage them.

So far Mark and Adam have pled innocent so that leaves Emma.

She will blame Braeden because she always does even when he lives a few states away.

I went to physical therapy yesterday and they had me do a new exercise that was really hard both physically (strength and range of motion-wise) and mentally (I lacked the coordination).

Nothing like feeling like a clumsy weakling and then heading home to rage at a Christmas tree....

I feel good about today.  I have errands and need to drop by my school, but I am also looking forward to feathering our nest a little around here.

And sitting in my chair and reading.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Yikes! Remind me to never get involved with your Christmas tree. I'm scared of your rage.


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