
Monday, January 22, 2024


It was a full weekend!

Friday night I had some friends over--my school friends--and it was so great.  We laughed and teared up a few times and chatted and ate snacks.  Conversations ranged from menopause to personal revelation to blended families to high school to Jamie's conversion story.  And there was a smattering of school/teacher talk in there too.

I tried to listen more than talk because of my ring ding voice, but I loved our time together.  It is good for my soul to be around those women.

Saturday, Adam was busy and mostly gone all day with stake conference.  I didn't have anyone to talk to which was good because I was trying to rest my voice.  I worked on a school project I brought home and then started with my big toy organization project.  The first step was moving a bunch of books upstairs for QE.  She sat and listened to the first two chapters of the original Winnie the Pooh yesterday.  I don't know what's going to become of that girl but I know it will involve books.

(Karla told us Friday night about one of her sons who loved tools and slept with a tape measure as a toddler and now he can fix anything.  I love the variety of talents and interests people are born with!)

I met Olivia and Lili for a late lunch after Olivia's temple shift at the Jordan River temple.  It was fun to visit with them and was a good distraction for me and my nerves.  I stopped by JoAnn Fabrics on the way home to pick up some embroidery floss and that allowed me just enough time to quickly change into a dress and brush my teeth and head to stake conference.  

I survived! (I mean, obviously, here I am writing.)

But, my voice survived.  Olivia was telling me about a discussion she'd had with some new converts about 1 Nephi 3:7.  

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

It gave me comfort leading up to my talk.  The Lord will provide a way!  He will help me!

I sucked cough drops and when it was my turn, I took a little water bottle with me that they had placed at each seat on the stand.  

My voice wobbled a little and President Whitehead jumped up and gave me his little water-bottle.  (He told me later he wanted me to be double fisted, drinking water.) Adam told me the entire stake presidency was praying for me and my voice and that made me feel like I was in very good hands.

I had sent a link to my family and they said they could understand me!  If you had heard my voice earlier in the week, you would know I had help!  I'm grateful the Lord did provide a way and a voice!

Sunday's session of stake conference was great.  Also, I wasn't nervous so I think that enhanced the whole experience.

Poor Markie was sick.  On Saturday Lili told me that she'd heard Mark was sick.  I said, "He is always sick."

I wish he weren't.

I went on a mission of mercy and took him Sudafed (the good stuff from the pharmacy), zinc, my prescription cough medicine, fruit and Benadryl.  

I met his roommates for the first time as they came in, red cheeked from walking home from church.  They were very friendly and one of them said Mark and I looked "exactly" alike.

I'm sorry, Mark.  Is looking like your 50 year old mom every college student's dream?  Mark said it is probably the hair. 

We only had Lili and Liberty and Nikki for dinner, but it was a good time.  We made omelettes--everyone made their own and pancakes that I kind of overcooked because I was too distracted visiting.  

Later, Adam's aunt Geri, his cousin Pam and Pam's son Bridger stopped by.  It was great to see them again.  They've moved to St. George so it was good to catch up and compare notes on our beautiful granddaughters.

Pam has endured so much in her life with an incredible amount of grace and loving kindness.  Her resilience and goodness inspire me!


Marianne said...

How I love you!

Mark Dahl said...

I love you too, dear Thelma. You are a star.


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