
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chivalry is not Dead

Last night about 9:30-ish, Adam went to the store to buy me some waxed paper. I had forgotten to get some and needed it to make Janet's world famous Peanut Butter Dips (Yes, Jennifer I'll share Janet but I'm not sure she does out of state house'll have to visit us.)

Adam came back in under a minute with the waxed paper and this tale to tell.

He walked outside and saw a gaggle of teenagers. They were talking about some type of shenanigans and one of them said, "Are you going to do it?" and another one said, "No, there's a guy over there and he's like 30." (Which is flattering to Adam because he's like more than like 30.)

Adam was about to get in his car when our across the street neighbor, Kim, came outside. She said, "Adam, are you OK?"

Adam was a little surprised by that (because it takes more than a knot of teenagers on our quiet suburban street to spook him) and said, "Yes."

Kim said that Amy (our other across the street neighbor) had looked out the window and said, "Kim, get outside, there are a bunch of teenagers outside and Adam needs help." (This makes me giggle even now.)

Adam said he was fine, just going to the store to buy waxed paper. Kim said, "Don't do that. I have three rolls of waxed paper. I was cleaning out my cupboard today and thought why do I have three rolls of waxed paper?"

So she gave Adam waxed paper and he returned home successful.

This little story delights me beyond what it reasonably should. Neighbors are great and it is so good to know that in case of marauding teenage gangs, Kim and Amy have an eagle eye out and will come bustling out to protect Adam as needed.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Another funny one. I'm sure your guy could handle his own, though we women like to feel like we can take on whatever... or maybe we just like drama. Hope Amy (or the other neighbor) didn't go home disappointed. lol.


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