
Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine cheer

cherry and white chocolate pie

My mom sent our kids Valentines.  She sent some from my dad too but either my dad's handwriting has changed or I'm suspicious that she signed his name.

She is a very inclusive person.  My mom gathers people in her wings regardless of their age.  Or regardless of their status as living or made of metal apparently.  She sent Horace a Valentine too.

It made Mark's day and I think that's what my mom was going for.

I think they really bonded when we took him to Nauvoo.

My mom and Horace, making friends.

I love my mom.

We got envelopes full of Valentine cards from cousins.  Seeing my nieces' and nephews' handwriting made me happy.  I am afraid they are smarter than most kids.  No offense.

from Marcos:  an s is a tricky letter

from Olivia:  the niece, not the sister

I got a homemade Valentine from my friend Apryl.  She sends me one every year.  It is the great desire of my heart to live in the same cul-de-sac in heaven as she does.

I read an email from a dear friend while I was in the lobby of the YMCA, waiting for Mark who was at his homeschool P.E. class.  It made me cry, right there in the lobby of the YMCA.  I don't know why I am such a ninny (although I blame my dad who doesn't sign his own Valentines).  It was the kind of email that assures you that the world is a wonderful place full of wonderful people.

We feasted like kings.

Valentine's Day: a lot to love.


Whitney said...

I love the Valentines, they are adorable. Your mom is so sweet to include your pet. I know Maddy and Guinness think they are human and need to be included (they get to open thier presents first on Christmas) so I am sure Horace feels the same way.
Your pie looks A.MA.ZING!! How was it? Kelly loves cherry pie and I have been looking for a receipe. It looks like the boys did a great job with dinner too. Your kids are lucky to have 2 parents who are so talented in the kitchen.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Olivia Cobian said...

Sumptuous feast! I love you!

Olivia Cobian said...

PS: Did I tell you Marcos writes with his left hand?


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