
Friday, June 7, 2013

Fashion advice

Some habits die hard.  I grew up with a sister older than me and a sister younger than me so there was always a person to ask advice on what I was wearing.

(On one memorable occasion, I asked Olivia about my hair and she pointed out the white nurse style shoes I had to wear for my waitress uniform.  She said it didn't matter what I looked like with shoes that ugly. I've since tried to pick up the shattered pieces of my self esteem.)

Since Mark is my sidekick, I asked him which shoes I should wear.

Mark surveyed the choices.

"The blue.  Definitely the blue."

"I don't know," I said, "I think the brown may match better."

"Oh," he said, "Were you wondering which ones matched what you were wearing?"


If there's one thing about a son, they are good at making you grateful you have a daughter.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Sorry to shatter you--I think I was just trying to lend some perspective to the situation.


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