
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Feeling sentimental

Adam's sister, Whitney, posted these pictures on Facebook of Linn, their dad.

Mark looks so much like him!

super blurry not all that great picture of Mark but without glasses, he really looks like Linn
I've been thinking about Mark and Linn.  Linn and Mark.  Mark was a grandpa's boy from the start.  In every picture I have of the two of them, it seems Linn's arms are looped around Mark.

Mark gravitated to his grandpa and always wanted to be nearby.  Whenever he saw Linn, Mark would run at him at full speed, yelling, "Grandpa!"  He'd practically knock him over in his zeal.

Linn was the kind of grandpa any child would love.  Our kids were supremely fortunate to have him while they did.

He was the right blend of loving and fun and gentle and kind.

He left us way too soon.  This is Mark at Linn's funeral and I'm astounded by how little Mark was.

He was so young and has far fewer memories of Linn than the other kids do.  I love the pictures we have of Mark and Linn though.  I love the proof in color.  I can show Mark:  look how much you two loved each other!

I love that Mark at fifteen looks so much like Linn at fifteen.  Mark has steady hands and is good at fixing things, just like his grandpa (like both grandpas).  He is gentle and kind.  He has the same red hair.

I wonder what Linn would think now of this tall boy with the deep voice.  I think Mark would still gravitate to him and Linn would still loop his arms around Mark.

I like to think he is still watching.  I like to picture him cheering on his grandchildren and chuckling at their nonsense and smiling proudly at their successes.

I know someday Mark will run into his grandpa's arms again with a force that will about knock him over.



Jen Dahl said...

I loved this. I wish little boys (and girls) didn’t have to say (even a temporary) goodbye to their grandpas.

Geri said...

What a wonderful pictorial record of the bond these two share in looks and love. Thanks Thelma for sharing.

Olivia Cobian said...

This makes me cry. What a sweet post.

Whitney said...

Ugly tears over this post. The picture of him measuring Mark gets me every time. Dad would be so proud of who Mark is.


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