
Monday, March 3, 2025


Saturday was a special day.  It was the day we got ready for company.  We had four guest rooms to ready and lots of sheets and bedding and pillows involved!  Stella and her friend Ardi are coming on Wednesday and Braeden and QE are coming on Thursday.

I used my grandma's sheets to make QE's bed.  I just want to be like my grandma at every opportunity!

 I washed them so they don't smell like her house so much anymore (very faintly), but they delight me.

I halted my preparations to go to a baby shower for Liberty in Provo.  It was nice to get together with people who love Liberty and celebrate her and her new baby--arriving next month!  Desi was the master of ceremonies and did an excellent job.  Carolina decorated adorable little cupcakes and it doesn't surprise me that Marianne's girls know how to throw a party.

I went back home and continued my to do list.  My energy was seriously flagging from being sick so I probably took as many breaks as not in the afternoon.

Adam nobly did the grocery shopping.  There was a lot.  

Mark came over and we drove to Sandy together.  Mark and Adam were having a kind of intense discussion in the car about politics and I told them they had to stop before we met Emma because it would make her cry.

"True," Mark said.

"OK," Adam said.

2/3 of our kids can take the heat of disagreement and 1/3 cannot.

We met up with Emma for dinner and then we went to a show at the Hale Centre Theatre in Sandy.  (You can tell it's fancy because or the "re" instead of "er"...). 

We were FaceTiming with Braeden and Anna and QE right before the restaurant and we said we had to go and QE said, "I miss them."

Same, sweet girl.  Same.

We had a lovely time together.  The tickets for The Prince of Egypt were from Geri for Christmas and it was such a perfect gift for us.

Emma took some pictures to text to Geri.

The picture has weird lighting and shadows on our faces (Mark looks like he has measles, but HE HAS BEEN VACCINATED and that is just the lighting).  We were happy as clams to be in a beautiful theater together.

I got super sleepy because it was late and my body still wants to be sick, but I also loved the show.  Live theater is wonderful.

Sunday I continued on my feel-better trajectory and I'm grateful for that.  Adam is maybe getting sick and is maybe just tired.  Emma had a devotional yesterday so she didn't come to dinner.  Mark tried to convince her to come anyway and she said, "This is like in a primary lesson when you have to decide if you should go to the devotional or not."

The girl went to primary so she picked the devotional.

Mark texted Sunday afternoon that he wasn't coming, which didn't surprise me.  Often if one of them isn't coming, the other one cancels.

I get that I'm a lot of mothering in a concentrated dose....

Also we're seeing Mark tonight for Mark Monday (even without the Emma buffer).

When Adam got home from his long church day, we went for a drive and talked over last minute adjustments to our plans for our guests.  You never met such a nervous hostess.  Imagine Piglet having guests for a week.

Today I'm back at school!  I am happy about it!  I'm starting the morning with the teachers vs 5th-6th Battle of the Books team.  I'm on the teacher team and I'm a little nervous.  Those kids are smart!  The teacher team is all wearing Dr. Seuss shirts and I even have a stuffed red fish to go with my One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish t-shirt.

It's hardly a team without a mascot.


Marianne said...

You're delightful!

Anonymous said...

HOpe you are feeling all better.


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