
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mini writing conference

This picture was snapped with my phone.  Heather said, "Are you going to put it on Facebook?"  I didn't think I could because I didn't have my phone cord to attach my phone and computer.  Everyone looked at me like I was a crazy person.  A really low tech crazy person.  Then someone pointed out I could access Facebook from my phone.  Oh.  Instead, I told Heather not to confuse with me her voodoo and texted this picture to her.  She added the words so that's better anyway. 
There are only three of us pictured here but there are actually seven chicks now!  (The more the merrier.)  On Saturday night we had a mini retreat.  It was everything a mini retreat should be, productive, rejuvenating, inspiring and a whoooooole lot of fun.  We laughed a lot and ate a lot and I know neither of those things have much to do with writing but they were still pretty great.

We had a last minute venue change and met at a hotel in Lynnwood.  Heidi had secured us a suite where we could all spread out.  The mini fridge was loaded to the gills with drinks and the counters were full of snacks.  In preparation for the meeting, we'd all started a story.  Then we drew names (it felt like Christmas) and added to the story that belonged to the person whose name we drew.  We kept writing and passing on stories and distracting each other and then getting back on task.  JoLyn brought her adorable baby so we had chances to get a little baby snuggling in too.

At one point four of us ventured to the hotel restaurant for dinner, someone pulled a fire alarm--no, not any of us!--and we had to be evacuated.  Heidi had the baby and she refused to go outside in the chilly evening.  No one questioned her (if they had I would have told them good luck).  Over dinner we divulged all the latest happenings in our lives.  (OK, it was just me but they are very good listeners.)

All told we were there about seven hours.  We wrote a LOT and I'm excited about our stories which will soon be posted on our website.

Our writing group is one of the very best things in my life.  I love those women and how close I have become to them.  There is nothing in this world like good women, united in purpose, working and supporting and buoying each other.

It's pretty much like magic.  (Kind of like, did you know you can post pictures on Facebook directly from your phone?  Magic!)


Olivia Cobian said...

I love this post and I love my six chicks t-shirt!

lifeatthewhitehouse said...

We DID have so much fun and were SOOO productive! Who knew lots of food and fun could make for such a great batch of stories! I think that we have perfected that recipe....mostly due to the creative cooks I get to rub shoulders with!! I sure love our group.


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