
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Heating up

Yesterday started at Timpanogos High School for a celebration of our "cluster" which is the schools that feed into Timpanogos High School.  Lining the halls to the gym where the meeting was were cheerleaders and student council leaders and high school athletes, all in various Timpanogos garb, cheering for the teachers.  (There were pom-poms.) I don't think I'd ever make it as a celebrity (no one is asking) because I felt silly walking through all the cheering.  We had a meeting and then reconvened at our school where we had another meeting and a training and worked in our classrooms and the AC is broken in my side of the school.  

Which is sad.

Apparently the district is on it, but excuse me if I issues.

We had back to school night and I met most of my students.  Some of them were nervous, some of the parents seemed nervous.  Some of the mothers didn't speak English and their older sons (who were my students) were there as kind of the interpreters and I worried later that I talked to the sons too much and not the mothers. Some of them came with confident older siblings who knew me and acted at once protective and annoyed with their younger siblings.  A few of my former students came in to greet me.  That made me happy.  I texted Clarissa that I need her to help me with the islander names because I pronounced one and the mom corrected me and I tried again and it sounded right to me and she said, "Well, it's OK."  I can't hear it!

It was 83 degrees in my classroom and it's kind of hard to have a lot of hype in that circumstance, but I tried.

A girl (young woman--I need to recognize that once you're in your twenties you aren't a "girl") came in with a family and she looked so much like Erin's daughter.  (Erin my college friend).  It was a little bit chaotic and a lot hot, but I made my way over to her and asked, "Are you Brinley?"

She looked a little taken back that I would know her.  She said, "Wait...are you...Thelma?!?"

We took a picture and I sent it to Erin:

I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her but I gathered she is a behavior therapist in training and was there to help one of my students.

What a small world!  It was really fun to meet her.  I do have a knack for recognizing people I've never met and freaking them out a little, but Brinley was very easy to place.  I showed Adam the picture and he said, "She does kind of look like Erin."

This is Erin and me in our freshman dorm room.  We got in trouble for that hammock, but we were happy together!  We are friends for life!  Maybe hammock subterfuge binds you together.

The minute back to school night was over, I fled the school.

Here's hoping they have the AC fixed.  Soon.


Olivia Cobian said...

Erin's daughter looks so much like her! That is so great!

Marianne said...

I love this!

Mark Dahl said...

That is great, Thelma. I prayed tonight that you and Liberty would have a wonderful school year starting tomorrow. I guess Clarissa starts Thursday.

Love you

Geri said...

Brinley and Erin have the same nose. How fun to connect.


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