
Monday, January 15, 2024


Our contract time to leave school is at 4:00, but on Friday, at 2:30, they told us to go home early.  They told us three times because none of us were ready to go home yet.  They were worried about the impending storm.

It didn't materialize.

My weather app is giving me major trust issues.

I was glad we had decided against our trip to Nevada, although I was kind of sad we had decided against our trip to Nevada.  Adam and I were both pretty tired from the week.

Having a day off on Monday took a lot of pressure off of Saturday which was delightful.  We did all the things including going to Winco.  It's our weekly fancy date.  At one point we separated and when Adam found me, he said, "It is really hard to find someone wearing a black jacket and a BYU sweatshirt (what I was wearing) in this place." 

Adam is always one to invent a new idiom and Emma, our family Amelia Bedelia, is terrible at idioms (which is surprising because she is excellent at words).  I sent the new idiom to our family group text:

 Emma responded to Adam's nonsense with this:

Emma is probably the cleverest person I know.

Before Christmas, I had bought some soup from Costco that was gluten free.  It was languishing in the back of the fridge, forgotten.  Saturday, Adam cleaned out the fridge.  He is the self appointed refrigerator czar and you don't want to put the dairy in the wrong spot.

Ask me how I know.

The soup was expired and my vote was to throw it away and Adam said it would be fine:

Adam heated up the soup.  He said the prayer before we ate.  He prayed, "please bless this food to be...OK."

I held it in until after the prayer, but then I lost it.  It was one of the times where I laughed so hard I cried.  Those are our sons' favorite times with me.  I swear they want to kill me by laughter and they probably will someday.

It was just such a low bar for our dinner.  Let's just hope and pray it doesn't kill us?

It was actually really good and we're still going strong, so I guess Adam's prayer and lack of respect for expiration dates worked out.

Sunday morning the snow finally had materialized and it was beautiful.

I love waking up to fresh snow.

And also someone had plowed our driveway by 7:00 AM.  We have the best neighbors.

After church and the best sacrament meeting Adam and I have ever been to (wow!), we had ten for dinner and I embraced mismatched dishes because some of our dishes are in Nevada.

In other words, I'm growing as a person.

We had a fun evening.  Adding 8 kids in their 20s (I know, they're adults, but they are kids to me) really livens up the place.  Hyrum brought his new fiancé and it was fun to meet her and we all like her a lot.  Adam headed up a brief Come Follow Me lesson (we had Clarissa start the song we sang, I mean, when you have a member of the Tabernacle Choir in your midst...).  After that we played Heads Up.  It was Davises and Lili against the Johnsons and it was fun.  Maybe the most fun was watching the other team.

Today I am looking forward to low-key adventures with Adam.  We're going to take the second chair to Emma and hit the World's Biggest Costco (just for kicks--we know how to party) and I'm going to paint my nails.

Big stuff.


Marianne said...

Sounds like a delightful weekend. How I love you!

Mark Dahl said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend. I am so thankful you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. Love you.


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