
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Once, years ago, when Braeden was first taking baby step forays into reading, he started crying because just when he had a sound figured out, there would be a variation.  A different rule.  An exception. 

"Why do we have to speak English?  Why?"

I didn't have a good answer (except for besides pig latin, it's the only language that I know).

English though.  Sheesh. 

Today Mark was learning about the soft g sound /j/.  I told him that the rule (that only applies some of the time...much like the no talking on the cell phone while driving rule--it depends on if I need to talk on the cell phone or not) is that if there's an e, i or y following a g, it makes the /j/ sound.

We read words like got, gun, game.  /g/ sound!

We read gem, gym, large.  /j/ sound!

Hurray!  Mark had it figured out!

Then he said, "Now I have one for YOU."

He wrote "get" on his dry erase board.

He said, "Read it."

I said, "Get."

He looked askew.  "No, Mom, jet."


"This one, Mark, doesn't follow the rule."

Mark lay his head down on his desk, in mock despair.


It's not for sissies.

1 comment:

Deseret said...

I feel your pain--at least my students do. Love, M


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