
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Fun with 1st graders

One little girl read the word hem and said, "Well, now, that's a nonsense word."

I said, "No, it's a real word."

She looked extremely skeptical.

So I showed her the hem of my skirt.  She tilted her head to the side in amazement.

Then she read curb.  "Do you know what that is?" I asked.


I drew a picture of a street and sidewalks and curbs.  She said, "Oh, I know what those are!"

"Do you have them in your neighborhood?" I asked.

"Everyone has them in their neighborhood," she said with disdain.  Which made me think she's never been to rural Nevada.

She read the word expert (we were working with r controlled vowels).  I asked her if she knew what an expert was.

"Is it like someone who goes to the hospital and they go around and take care of people and then they take care of more people and more people and more people and then they say, I'm an expert at taking care of the human body!"  She gave a fist pump.

"That is what it means," I said.


I was listening to a girl read to me.  She read Ann instead of Anna so I corrected her.  She looked at me for a second then she said, "My teacher said that if I can't pronounce Anna, I can say it Ann."

"OK," I said.  I didn't point out that she had just pronounced Anna.


A new student was enamored with Braeden's old notebook.  "Who did that?!?"  I explained that it was my son's old notebook, etc. etc.

She opened her brown eyes wide and asked, "Did he get in trouble?  Were you mad at him for doing that?"

I told her no and I could tell she was disappointed.


When I first get there and the classes are coming back from lunch.  Some of the students cross their fingers hopefully and point to themselves meaningfully, like they are desperate for me to pick them to work with.  It doesn't matter how many times I tell them that their teachers select who I work with.

I've never been so popular, even if it's only because I have a notebook Braeden colored.

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