
Monday, April 2, 2018

Just wow

What a wonderful weekend!  How I love General Conference!  I loved gathering with my family and just enjoying.  The solemn assembly, when we stood and indicated our sustaining vote for our new prophet, President Nelson, was stirring and we were moved to tears.  Later Elder Anderson spoke to all the people that weren't in the Conference Center and told them about the strong spiritual feeling in that room.

But I think we felt it in our basement in Pleasant Grove too.

Braeden asked me a few times which my favorite talk was and I couldn't even answer.  All of them. Every one.  Can there be more?

I loved when Adam and Braeden and Mark came home from the Priesthood Session.  They were floating on air.  They were rejoicing in the awesome experience they had had.  And then I cried a little while they told me about it.

(Which isn't good for my eyes so I think I need to go somewhere with zero emotional highs and lows so I can not cry for awhile.)

I felt confirmation over and over that President Nelson is a true prophet of God.  With every sort of stunning announcement of change, I felt sure that President Nelson knew the Lord's will for us.

When he announced the new temples, Braeden jumped up from the couch and shouted for joy.  Richmond, Virginia is not in his mission boundaries but very close and will be a huge blessing to the people there.

So much excitement.

Emma and I prepared our Easter feast.  She is a pretty good baker and I can't take credit for any of it because she learned it from The Great British Baking Show.  Take that, people who don't value PBS.  We made a lemon meringue pie and she set a pretty table and made up a back story for funeral potatoes (it had to do with Aunt Madge...and I have no idea who Aunt Madge is).

Emma delights me.

Adam had the boys slice the ham so it was sort of a pass the torch situation for everyone.

I also love everything about Easter.  It is more low key than a lot of holidays (Christmas for one) but that doesn't dampen its significance in my mind.  And Easter may as well be a pastel Thanksgiving because my main emotion is gratitude.

I'm grateful for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Because of Him, I can repent and try again.  Because of Him, I will live again and see my dear ones again.  Because of Him, I can be helped in all facets of my life.  I can be helped to forgive, obey, carry on.  I know first hand that sometimes, where there is no where else to turn, no source of strength or comfort, I can turn to my Savior.  He will give me the help that I need.


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