
Friday, April 21, 2023

Grateful Friday

The baseline at school is my class is something of a zoo.  Yesterday I also was pretty frustrated with adults and that feels worse.  I talked to Adam and both sons and that's a pretty good situation to make me feel better.  Enoch even called me and we chatted a few minutes.

They all listened and gave me encouragement and that helped.

I'm grateful for the people in my life that are the ballast I need.

Here's another thing that shined up the day (before it turned into a dumpster fire).

We got a new third grader, a refugee from Ukraine who doesn't speak English.  He isn't in my class, but I had recess duty and I was watching him interact with some other boys.  The boys were laughing and having a great time and I realized that they were communicating by dancing.  The new boy is the son of world-class ballroom dancers and he clearly has had some dance experience.  He knows some ballet and would stand up on his toes and kick his leg in a graceful arc that was incongruous with an elementary school playground.  The first time he got up on his toes, the boys were very excited and said, "Like Michael Jackson!" and they all tried to imitate him.

One of the boys did some hip hop moves and the new boy did a pretty good imitation.  One of them would do a dance move and the others would follow.  These boys are all pretty good dancers anyway.  Some of them are islanders who have moves and one of them is African American and can do hip hop like it's his job.  It all made me pretty happy.

Earlier in the day, the school play was presented to the school.  4th-6th graders were involved and I loved seeing some of my former students shine.  It gave me all the drama mama feels.

Even a trash day can have some really bright spots if you know where to look.  

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