
Monday, May 22, 2023


Saturday was a migraine day.  It was a worse one than I have had in awhile!  I haven't been sleeping all that well, for reasons beyond my understanding.  I think it caught up with me in a big way.

I woke up feeling awful, deciding to get ready for the day anyway and just power through it.  (narrator:  it wasn't going to happen)

I couldn't eat or drink much because I felt so nauseous.  I finally decided to try to sleep a little.  An hour later I woke up and decided what I really needed was to eat and drink.  I had all this stuff I wanted to do!  I didn't have time for this! (narrator:  it wasn't going to happen)

I ate about half a piece of bread and took a good drink of water.

Then I threw up.


I went back to bed.  I slept for four more hours!

I finally dragged myself up.  I successfully ate another piece of bread and this time just sipped ice water and the world eventually started to right itself.

I watered the plants.  Slowly.  Gingerly.  Recovering from a migraine feels very tentative, like you don't want to let it come back.

I had the credit card from school and the intention to get a new shelf for my classroom from IKEA.  In the evening, Adam and I went.  It was a tiny fraction of my to do list for the day, but we got the shelf.  We went straight to the warehouse and didn't even swerve to look at all the pretty things.  I didn't have the energy.

Adam said if I didn't feel better on Sunday, he would teach my Sunday School lesson.  I said, "Don't tempt me."

I was sufficiently better to teach (and Adam had to do stake stuff during my lesson so my emotional support husband was not there!)

The lesson went OK.  I'm still SO stressed out when I teach.  After it was over, I just made a beeline for home where I could recover.  My friend Terri called me after I got home.  She said, "You left before I could hug you."

I said, "I was so stressed I had to leave."

Terri knows how I feel about being Sunday School teacher.  She said, "Well you didn't look nervous.  Your paper wasn't even shaking."

I said, "I wish it got easier."

She said, "It won't.  Because then you'd get complacent."

Is complacent so bad?

Mark has been in California this weekend with Braeden and Anna and the delightful QE.  We did a FaceTime call with them and watched her zoom around the room which makes us happy.

Sunday afternoon Emma and Clarissa helped me with my songs.  I couldn't have done it without them.  They are two talented girls!  Adam and I watched the Young Adult broadcast with them.  We're young at heart....

It's the last week of school!  It's going to be a fun and sunshine-y week (field day!  dance festival!).  May we survive and thrive!


Marianne said...

I love that last sentence!

Mark Dahl said...

I hope you are feeling better, Thelma.


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