
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

If I could just keep my desk clean

 I get tired of having the same conversations at work about the same things.  Complaining without offering solutions.

I'm guilty of the same.

I get tired of my messy desk.  I am endlessly tidying it and it feels like several small bombs are detonated throughout the day.  I am mid grading a stack and then something else interrupts.  Someone hands me papers to distribute.  They get added to the pile.  A student needs help so I shove everything aside and invite them to sit down.  I lose the copies I had prepared for different lessons.  

I create systems and the systems fail me.

I am tired of the state/district/school giving me more to do.  Take this canvas course, fill out this form.  

This is turning out to be sort of like yesterday's blogpost, because happy things happen too.

Emma sent a text that warmed my little heart.

Sometimes I just marvel at how lucky I was to get these kids.

And then there's Follow Him.  That podcast makes my day every time I listen to it.

I am grateful for our pleasant non-hurricane weather.

Good and bad.  Frustrating and lifting.  Mostly I'm just gloomy because I miss Adam.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Follow Him has been amazing lately! I am jumping ahead to Ross Baron today. I'm so glad you got me listening to that podcast!


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