
Monday, October 14, 2024


 Saturday morning I woke up crying from my dream.  That's an illustrious way to begin a day (or a blogpost).  I was dreaming that Braeden was leaving home.

I told Braeden about the dream and he said, "Usually when you wake up from a bad dream, you can feel relieved that it was only a dream, but not that one."


The reality is that not only has Braeden left home, but his equally traitorous siblings have as well.

Sunday night was no better on the dream front.  I dreamt that my friend, Jamie, and I were in an elevator at school (there isn't one) and there was some kind of malfunction and the elevator tipped over and ended up upside down.  When we were finally rescued, Jamie went to the hospital, but I went back to my classroom because I had left my class alone (while I was joyriding in the non-existent elevator?).

When I woke up from that dream, I realized that the headache I had in the dream was not in fact from being upside down, but from the bump I got on my head when we landed, because I hadn't stayed upside down.

Slowly, it dawned on me that it had been a dream.

I don't know what any of this says about my mental state, but I remember very few of my dreams, so when I remember them, I guess I blog about them....

Besides my wacky dreams, we had a pretty good weekend.  A highlight for sure was going to the Orem temple with Mark to do baptisms.  He baptized and confirmed me.  The temple was beautiful and I loved the way I felt when we were inside and I loved being there with Mark and Adam.

Being in the temple with my children feels like all my dreams (the good kind) are coming true.

Adam and I, after careful deliberation, picked out a new Christmas tree for the living room.  We wanted it fairly tall and quite skinny (but not too skinny) with warm white LED lights.  Knowing what you want so specifically makes such hunts easier and harder, but we finally ended up with what we think is a winner.

I will love festooning it with red and white and straw ornaments.

Speaking of trees, when we were talking to Braeden and QE on Saturday we told them that we were on the hunt for a tree and QE said she wanted a pink Christmas tree.  I sent her this picture.

Braeden said she said, "Another one!" which is exactly what she says whenever I read her a story.  

I told Braeden, "Get the biggest aluminum Christmas tree you can find, Charlie Brown.  Maybe painted pink! Do something right for a change, Charlie Brown!"

I don't think he'll listen to me.

At church on Sunday, Adam got up to close the meeting and said, "Part of my responsibility as bishop is to correct false doctrine when it is taught in sacrament meeting."  There was the slightest intake of air in the room.

Adam continued, "Reddick said the bishop must hate him because he had to speak and he is teaching the lesson in priest's quorum, but the opposite is true."

I think I was the only person in the room who knew Adam well enough to not have a mini panic attack, thinking he was actually going to correct false doctrine right there in public.

Our ward choir resumed practicing yesterday and I went in solidarity with Emma because it means so much to her when people go to choir.

There were four of us who showed up.  We struggled through one of the songs and the choir director said, "That was pretty."

The accompanist, who has what no one would consider a poker face, shook her head no and said, "Maybe it will sound pretty eventually."

It took all my self discipline not to start giggling because I knew I would never stop.

Later in the afternoon I caused chaos on Family Search by messing up some merges.  I couldn't recreate what I had done because I hadn't written down ID numbers in my haste (I always write down ID numbers, but I was rushing because it was time to get ready for dinner).  Silly sad Thelma.  It felt even worse because it was Marie Louise's family I was messing with.

Our dinner guests came and we had a nice time.  After they left, Adam cleaned up the kitchen and I called a Family Search helper.  I explained my folly and she said, "Oh, I know.  I have been there."

So kind.

It made me want to be like that, even when people are hasty with merges on Family Search.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

What a great bishop!


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