I only have one life to write about, so it's all elementary school all the time.
But there is always so much to...report.
Yesterday, the school nurse came in to do her annual lesson on hand washing. She told them not to talk without raising their hands "and we will get along well."
Inside I thought, "Good luck with that."
Also, I wanted to tell her that I am constantly working on it and they are so much better than they used to be.
One girl raised her hand (good girl!) and said, "Are you a real nurse? Did you go to college?"
The nurse was a bit taken aback and perturbed and said, "Of course!"
(She doesn't have the humbling experience of standing in front of a room of doubters on the daily.)
She showed them pictures of viruses and bacteria and someone wondered if they used a telescope to get the pictures and she said, "Raise your hand."
"But do they?"
I totally empathized with her getting through it and not getting into the difference between a microscope and telescope. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses.
She showed a picture of a fungus and asked if they knew what that was. One student (the one who knows everything) said he "absolutely" did because he saw a YouTube video about it. "They are headless creatures that drill into your body."
The nurse said, "Well...that sounds...bad."
Then there was a whole barrage of things they saw on YouTube that were either very slightly or not at all related.
One girl said, "I saw a video that said getting sick is good for your body."
"It isn't," the nurse said.
I think she was very happy when her 30 minutes were up.
There was a sign in the lunchroom that said, Popcorn on Friday.
That set them abuzz. One boy turned to me, disgusted, "I don't see any popcorn!"
I said, "What does the sign say?"
He said, "Popcorn on Friday, but I don't see any."
I said, "What day is it?"
He said, "Wednesday. Oooooohhhhhh."
The boy next to him said, "Wait, we're having popcorn? But where is it?"
Friends, I go home tired every single day. So. Tired.
A boy came in from the bathroom to report that another 3rd grader had thrown up in the bathroom. (One of Miriam's.)
Shortly after that, during recess, I was in the hall and saw Riley quickstepping to the bathroom with cleaning gear.
I said, "Another day in paradise?"
He smiled ruefully, "You know it."
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