
Thursday, January 9, 2025


 We have RIDER values at school.  (We are the Broncos and our Bronco is named Rider because RIDER stands for Respectful Inclusive Determined Engaged and Responsible.). With the new year, Matt encouraged us to revisit these values with our classes.  Yesterday we talked about being inclusive.

They all knew what it meant (because these values get talked about a lot).  To them, inclusive means that when a kid is crying at recess, you ask if they want to play with you.

I pushed a little deeper.   I was trying to get them past the playground scenario.  When you're assigned a partner are you friendly about it?  Do you smile and say hello to people?  Do you invite people to your birthday party?  What if your mom says you can only invite a certain number?  How can you gracefully handle that? What about adults?  How can adults be inclusive? 

I told them that when I first started at Bonneville, Camie (Mrs. Howlett to them) was very kind to me and always said hello to me.  I told them it made me feel like I was included.  I could tell that gave them something to think about.  When a contemplative look comes over them, it makes me so happy!

For the rest of the day, I noticed inclusive adults.  Emily, the librarian, and I had a conversation about one of the Battle of the Books books whose title Frozen Stiff was stressing me out.  I was about halfway finished with the book and I was worried the kids were going to die because of the title.  Emily and I are both on the teacher team and I knew she'd read the book.  She promised me the kids make it.

I love having someone to talk about books with.

I carried Alissa's water bottle and the Toblerone she'd scored at the faculty meeting because she was carrying our phonics materials and then we handed the phonics materials off to Miriam.

I love having a team.

I checked in with Holly about the RULER training we were supposed to be doing.  Which module?  (Will there ever be an end to modules in my life? Or acronyms?!?)

I thanked her for clearing it up for me.

As I was leaving the room, she called, "I love you, Sis!"

I love having someone call me Sis, who isn't actually my sister, but does actually act like she loves me.

I was talking to Emma on the phone (Red letter day!  She called me!  She is by far the child who calls me the least) and Braeden called (for the second time that day.  He is by far the child who calls me the most).  I merged the calls.

Braeden and Emma were greeting each other and I said, "Wait.  First you need to acknowledge that I successfully merged these calls."

"That was amazing, Mom," Emma said.

"Yeah," Braeden said.  "I am super impressed."

I love having the praise of my children even when it is solicited and pretty much insincere.

Marie Louise also called.  She told me that there was a promo code for two free tickets to The Ruth on the back of the utility bill from the city and the tickets are "going fast."  She said, "Go reserve some right now."

And I did.

I love being included.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. You are so good with words.


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