I went to my math fluency class last night. It makes for a long day, but I really like it. One of my favorite things is interacting with 3rd and 4th grade teachers from around the district. They are good ladies (and there's one guy--it seems like no matter how big the group of elementary teachers is, there's just one guy).
I was working on a project with two other women and they were looking at my necklace and trying to figure out my name. I was wearing the necklace Janet gave me that has the letters BEM on it.
I said, "I'm Thelma. The necklace is my kids' initials."
I sure like BEM though. I talk to Braeden on the phone more frequently, but texts from Emma and Mark delight me.
These all happened Tuesday evening.
This from Emma:
Later still, Emma texted this:
The drama! The details! Adam said it was better than the murder mystery he was reading me at the time the text came in.
I like being on the other end of their texts (and Braeden's calls).
Being a mother is a pretty good gig.
Amen! This motherhood business is crazy hard, but also incredibly wonderful.
It gets even more wonderful the longer you go. I'm so glad Emma's car wasn't towed.
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