
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mark and An Effective Ad

There are a lot of things I hope I remember about this time with Mark.  The way he laughs all the time at mostly his own jokes.  The way we impersonate the voice in the elevator...when she says Level 5 she makes it sound like a question which always cracks Mark up.  I want to remember watching him swim and the game we played where I would read and he would swim across the pool, trying to reach me without me hearing him.  I want to remember that we ventured beyond the resort and its enchantments to find a city park because my boy needs to use his muscles.  He is unlike me--or his siblings--in that way.  We'd be happy to sedately read the day away, but not Mark.  It is not surprising to me that he falls asleep minutes after he climbs into bed. 

I have no good pictures of him.  But I think I'll remember.  He's slightly sunburned and has a chin he scraped on the bottom of the pool our first night here.

In other (though Mark related) news:

Have you seen that Disneyland ad?  The one with the One Republic song, Good Life, and these words?
To all the memory makers.
The ones who know there are only so many moments before the sword is passed,
Only so many mountains left to climb together
And only so many days before she finds her own prince charming.
So all those who know the best memories in life are the ones you hold onto for a lifetime,
Don't wait. 
Let the memories begin at the place where dreams come true.

I have never seen it without wanting to go to Disneyland.  Immediately.

Guess what we are doing today?

(Mark doesn't know yet but we have told Braeden and Emma.  I feel terrible that they can't join us.  Adam keeps reminding me we took them to London and not Mark.)

1 comment:

stephanie l johnson said...

Have so much FUN!!!!! Ride it all, fun in the sun, wahoo!!

See you next week,




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