
Friday, January 2, 2015

Ladies' brunch

Every year Olivia hosts a ladies' brunch for all the ladies in the family over the age of eight. 

Every year I wish I could be there and this year I was!

Before he made a break for it with all his cute little sons, Edgar took a picture of us:

This picture makes me happy.

It's more than just happy though.  It's approaching pure joy.

I love these women and girls.  When I think of sisterhood, this is the definition.  These women are an interwoven group who are fiercely loyal to each other.  Over the years we've cheered each other on in a myriad of ways.  The mothers are a support to each other, the aunts are kind cheerleaders of the girls, the daughters are true friends, helpful assets when it comes to their younger cousins and a lot of fun to be around.  My mom is the rock solid matriarch that makes everything wonderful.  I love that Emma, who is a lone girl between two brothers, has the opportunity to be a part of it. 

When I say we laughed and cried, I mean we laughed until my cheeks hurt and we cried our makeup off.

The food was amazing and decadent.  We played After the Manner of the Adverb which cracked. Me. Up.  We wrote down some goals and aspirations to be sealed in an envelope for next year and then we made predictions about where Clarissa and Braeden will go on their missions.

I don't know what all will happen in 2015.  I do know that these women will help me celebrate and/or survive whatever it is.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Great post. I should have read this before I did my blog post and stolen your picture with all of the eyes open. I'm so glad you and Emma were here this year!


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