
Monday, November 6, 2023

Weekend: headache edition


I woke up with a migraine on Saturday.  That derailed some of my plans, but I took my new migraine medicine which makes me feel better headache-wise but loopy otherwise.  It's a trade I'm more than willing to make.  

Later in the day we got covid + flu shots.  Is that the best idea when you're recovering from a migraine?  I don't know.

In the late afternoon I felt well enough to go with Adam and Emma to downtown Provo.  Ever since Emma went to Snohomish last weekend, I've been wanting to go to antiques shops.  She said there were "a lot" on Center Street.  There weren't.  Little stores come and go on that street.  There was one store and everything seemed way way overpriced.

We went to a guitar store because Emma wants to buy a bass guitar and we went to Hobby Lobby because I'm the self appointed craft girl for Thanksgiving and I needed to buy sequins.  

We rounded out the evening with a stop at Winco and Culver's.  Who knows how to party like us?

We saw the mother of one of my students at Winco.  Emma said, "Do you ever come here and not see one of your students or their families?"  I don't and maybe that's one reason why I grocery shop at Winco.  This mother told me I was a good teacher and "like a mother" to the students and I felt like Emma should pipe up and say that I actually was a mother, but she didn't.

Sunday I woke up with another headache, but not as bad and I think it was related to my shots.  Also it went away all on its own.  Mark, unsurprisingly, had the worst reaction to our shots.  He was nauseous and had a headache and had very swollen glands.  He was too sick to come over for Sunday dinner but Adam took him some food.  Adam and I both felt a little under the weather and Emma felt zero effects.  We told her to stop bragging.  What a show off with her youthful health.... (She wasn't really bragging.)

I changed all the clocks, which is my part time job whenever the darn time changes, and taught Sunday School.  My mom asked, "So you couldn't think of a reason to be out of town when it was your turn to teach?"

And I couldn't.

Don't you think I tried?

In other news, I've decided to cull our board game collection.  Adam and Emma, who are always more interested in playing a game than I am, decided we should play each game and see if we want to keep it.

Emma said she would take anything we didn't want and I think that is a grand idea (although I will offer them to her brothers too).

Last night we played Life.  I was a doctor and had no children (but a pet, which I didn't want, but I landed on that spot) and I ended up winning by a long shot.

I begrudged giving Adam a wedding gift.  I called the little blue peg who represented my husband a poor man's Adam.  

Braeden called halfway through and we got to visit with them and I read The Wheels on the Bus.

Overall, it was a good time, but Emma can have the game.  I lose patience with any game when I have to say, OK, whose turn is it?  

I mostly just want to get it over with.

I'm a lot of fun.

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