
Monday, April 29, 2024


I may run out of time before I run out of retelling.

We went to Nevada this last weekend so everything is compressed this morning.  

It was a very nice weekend though (no mice!).  My dad has been the hero (the role he has been destined to play my whole life) and he stopped up where we think they're getting in and he has emptied traps until the situation is resolved.

I hope it's now resolved.

Our initial plan was to go Friday night, but Adam had a late enough meeting that we decided to go at the crack of dawn on Saturday instead.  (Actually dawn had cracked, but it still felt early for a Saturday.)

After the sometimes frenetic pace of things, it is so nice to sit side by side in the car and just talk.  We didn't even listen to a podcast.  We had one picked out, but we ended up just talking the whole way.

Our little pleasant hill was beautiful.  There are tiny buds on the trees and the tulips are blooming.  The yard definitely still has a wild feel to it and we would love to glam it up a little and revitalize the lawn, but I also love the wildness.  I don't want it too manicured.

We did a few tasks and then went over to Aunt Olivia's and visited with her and Uncle Brad.  It is a gift to have them in the neighborhood now.  We likely overstayed our welcome, but we had such a great time visiting with them.  They gave us a king sized bed (so then we had four king sized beds in our three bedroom house).  We are going to give one to Olivia (sister) but she wanted to wait until Edgar is home.  It feels like I'm deep into a family when I'm there.  We share and trade everything.  Aunt Olivia also gave us an airplane toy for grandchildren that she didn't want.  I said, "What about your grandchildren?"  She said the last one was just baptized.

I had Adam and the Cobian boys (sometimes you have to borrow teenage sons) put it behind the house.

Isn't that cute?  Braeden said the picture looked like the cover of a Midwest emo album.  You see what I mean about it being a little wild.  Marcos moved that tree off the lawn right before we put the airplane in place.  It had fallen down in a storm.  I pretended like I was helping, but that kid is strong.

Adam and I assembled a platform bed for one of the king mattresses and used many of the tools Geri gifted us when we first got the house. We talk about what a great gift it was every time we are there.

Adam mowed and I went to (sister) Olivia's to help her make pasta salad for Sunday.  Marianne and my parents joined us.  We moved to the living room and Adam came over too (he had run out of battery power, not lawn to mow).  I love sitting around and visiting.  It is the main draw of going there.  We went to my parents' and had my dad cut a dowel stick.  They had been at a track meet earlier and my dad said, "You know where my saw is, why didn't you just come over and use it?"

I also know where all my fingers are and I want to keep them there.

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