
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

When Olivia saved the day

Last night Olivia and family (except Liliana--busy teenagers....) stopped by.  I had been sitting at the table folding Christmas trees and Olivia said, "Let me help you.  Teach me how to do them too."

That is Olivia's personality in a nutshell.

I said, "OK, I'll show you but first you have to tell me what I can do instead of make 90 of these trees."

I explained the whole dilemma to her of no budget for decorations.  She suggested I have people sign up to bring a table decoration.

That had been my first thought but when I considered how many tables, it didn't see doable.  Now, with 32 trees under my belt, she pointed out we could do some tables with trees and some with table decorations people bring.

I think I heard a choir of angels singing.

Marianne had already told me not to do the trees but I think I needed to have already wasted spent a lot of time on them before I would listen to reason.

Sometimes you just need your sisters.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You and Adam saved my day too by being my IKEA guides--and serving me fudge!


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