
Monday, February 24, 2025


 We had high hopes and strenuous to do lists for Saturday.  I woke up feeling like I was starting to get a cold.  It doesn't help that I spend my days with coughing children who won't cover their mouths when they cough!  

No matter!  We were going to be productive!

Braeden and QE are coming in a few weeks and one thing on the list was organize QE's room, which moonlights as a catchall.  The bunkbeds were up on risers so as to accommodate more under the bed stuff and I wanted it lowered because I didn't want QE getting hurt if she fell out.

Adam thought she'd be fine.

We went back and forth and I said, "Just let me have this."

And he did.  He's Adam and he's unflinchingly kind to me.

He got under the bed and lifted it and I moved the risers, then there he was.

He wasn't actually stuck, but it cracked me up and that is the other thing Adam is very good at doing.  Also, the reason there is a gap in the slats is that when Braeden got too long for the bed, I took a saw to the slats.  It was the best idea I had after the bad idea of buying a bed with a footboard.

Emma had been sick all week and still going to work even though I kept telling her to take a sick day.  She was worse on Saturday and was in need of some essentials.

When you are a parent, even a parent of adult children, you swerve often.

Adam and I decided to fit a mission of mercy into our Saturday plans.

We took her medicine and Kleenex and chicken noodle soup.  I washed her dishes (there weren't too many dishes, but related to her teeny tiny kitchen, a few dishes look like a lot) and Adam cleaned her bathroom and we took her trash out and hopefully boosted her spirits.

We were gone all afternoon with our various errands, but we got them all done.  

It wasn't the super productive day we were hoping for, but it was a good day.  We were together and that's the best kind.  I think I would have been better served not being quite so eager, because I woke up feeling sick on Sunday.  I watched church at home.  Emma and Mark were both sick, so it was a quiet day.  Adam eventually got home from his long church day and he lay down next to me in bed.  Braeden FaceTimed and we told QE we were Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  She didn't get the reference, but she will someday.

Adam made fried rice and we talked about our summer trip and watched the last All Creatures Great and Small of the season.

I'm home from school today.  I was so sick last winter because I kept powering through and then I had to miss several days of school.  Hopefully I can get better after today and be good as new, ready to be coughed on again....


Gwilliam Fam said...

Oh no. Sorry about all of the fun. Also, Adam looks like the Wicked Witch of the west.

Marianne said...

Hope you feel better!!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, Thelma dear.


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