
Friday, November 21, 2008

Glad I Was There

This morning I was laying in a medicated haze, not wanting to get up. I took benadryl last night so I wouldn't cough all night and could breathe (important things). Benadryl is good stuff for making me sleep but the next morning, I always feel like I've been hit by a truck. I didn't want to get up.

Even the thought that tonight I had a date with Adam didn't make me want to get up. My bed was warm and comfortable and I wanted to stay there. (I'd get up in time for the date, I reasoned.)

Because I'm the mother and the teacher and if I don't do it no one will, I dragged myself upright. When I called the students to school, none of us were very thrilled to be there.

Then it was time for Mark's phonics lesson. Then Mark read his first word. (The word was "sat".) He can recognize all our names but this was his first honest-to-goodness-sound-it-out-reading. And I was there. What a thrill. It reminded me of the first real word Braeden said (bus) and the first real steps Emma took (on a Sunday afternoon in Hamden, Connecticut). There's nowhere I would have rather been.

Not even my bed.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Love it! How neatly you wrote this post. So glad you got up for this special day!


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