
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In All Fairness

I should warn you that I am the type of person that really likes to look at other people's vacation pictures.  I would have been very enthusiastic in the days when people showed slide shows in their living rooms after a trip.

Also, this is SUCH an easy way to scrapbook...

Here are some more random pictures from our trip (and not even all of them...I may be back tomorrow with more...will you forgive me?).

Here's Mark in the loft of our cabin.  He was either running around with a stick casting Harry Potter spells on everyone, building forts in the loft, or asleep.  The kid doesn't have many settings.

We saw this waterfall in The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone:

me, Emma and Braeden
Emma and I bought hats to keep our hair from beating us to death in the wind.
We hiked down to the top of the waterfall:

It was impressive and terrifying in its power and magnitude (and the fact that the railing stopped a little earlier than I was comfortable with).

Emma looked cuter in her hat than I did:

This is in the beautiful Old Faithful Inn:

It reminded Mark of Hogwarts (he's big into Harry Potter right now).  I captured him for a picture before he could run away into the Chamber of Secrets.

Why, yes, I was tired.  Why do you ask?

And speaking of tired, this was sometime after white water rafting.  A tremendous yawn:

My three babies.

Their smiling in the sunshine faces and melted ice cream dribbled shirts make me happy.

They're all the reason why.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I think that the picture where you think you look tired is a great picture of you. You look very thin and your eyes are even open!


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